Een halve gram kurkuma (geelwortel, koenjit) per dag is gezond, zo blijkt uit een studie. Kurkuma verlaagt de bloedvetten en het beschermt de bloedvaten. Ook een daling van stress- en ontstekingsmoleculen en een stijging van het aantal antioxidanten in het speeksel bleken meetbaar. Zelfs een daling van het hersenplaque-proteïne kan gemeten worden, en dat is een sterke aanwijzing dat kurkuma beschermt tegen de ziekte van Alzheimer. Kurkuma heeft ten slotte een gunstig effect op de lever.

Kurkuma wordt meestal uitgetest bij zieke mensen, maar zelden bij gezonde mensen. Het extract dat de deelnemers moesten nemen, bevatte slechts 80 mg curcumine, de actieve stof uit kurkuma. Andere studies gebruikten extracten met 1 gram curcumine.
Deze studie toonde dus weldadige effecten van kurkuma die betrekking hadden op vele organen: bloedvaten, lever, hersenen. Een interessant kruid dus voor een optimale gezondheid.

Gepost in Chinese geneeswijzen, Opleiding Chinese geneeskunde, Traditionele chinese geneeskunde, Voeding ~ Geen Reactie

Acupunctuur en slapeloosheid

{ 14 januari, 2013 }

Electrical engineers in a medical research team discovered how acupuncture benefits sleep. They did it by measuring brain activity with EEG (electroencephalography) before, during and after an acupuncture treatment. Results were conclusive, acupuncture significantly increases slow wave activity of the brain relative to fast wave activity in both the frontal and central lobes. This phenomena is known to benefit the quality and duration of sleep.

The acupuncture point used in this study increases the delta band power density, a known sleep related brain wave band. In addition, acupuncture at this point downregulates alpha and beta band activity relative to delta band activity. The decreases in these bands also enhances sleep quality.

The researchers applied manual acupuncture to humans at acupoint ST36. It was found that this acupoint significantly increases the power ratio index of slow waves to fast waves following an acupuncture treatment. Stainless steel 0.2 mm diameter acupuncture needles were applied to the subjects. The needles were applied and retained for an initial two minutes followed by manual rotation of the needles applied for another two minutes. Measurements were taken throughout the brain of the delta (0 – 4 Hz), theta (4 – 8 Hz), alpha (8 – 13 Hz) and beta (13 – 30 Hz) bands. Notably, there were increases in the delta band power in five major brain areas during and after acupuncture.

The researchers note that “acupuncture at ST36 can induce obvious changes in different EEG rhythms in healthy subjects.” They also note that acupuncture modulations of brain activity resulting from acupuncture point stimulation show “that the brain plays a key role in acupuncture research.” They also suggest that “cortical electrical activities may be an important mechanism by which acupuncture exerts its complex multisystem effects.”

Gepost in Acupunctuur, Opleiding Chinese geneeskunde ~ Geen Reactie

Acupuncture and asthma

{ 3 januari, 2013 }

A new acupuncture study finds that asthma patients emanate lower infrared radiation output from an important acupuncture point related to the health of the lungs. A study of 34 asthmatics and 34 healthy patients documented measurements of the infrared radiation emanating from acupuncture point LU9, a key lung-related acupuncture point located on the wrist.

The results demonstrate that asthmatics emanate a lower intensity of infrared radiation from LU9 across a wide wavelength spectrum compared with healthy patients.

About the Acupuncture Point
LU9 (Taiyuan, Supreme Abyss, Lung 9) is a shu-stream, earth and source point of the Lung channel. It is also the influential point of the vessels. Located at the wrist in the depression between the radial artery and the abductor pollicis longus tendon, LU9 is traditionally used to tonify the Lungs. It helps to descend Lung Qi, transform phlegm and benefit the vessels. Indications include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, dry throat and local pain of the wrist. From a Five Element perspective, LU9 is an earth point thereby making it a mother point. In the mother nourishes son relationship, LU9 is a tonic point. Combined with its designation as a source (yuan) point, this makes LU9 particularly well suited to strengthening the lungs.

The infrared radiation spectrum of acupoint Taiyuan (LU 9) in asthma patients. ZHOU Yu, SHEN Xue-yong, WANG Li-zhen, WEI Jian-zi, CHENG Ke.
Faculty of Acupuncture-Moxibustion, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai, China.
Faculty of Acupuncture-Moxibustion, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai.
Shanghai Research Center for Acupuncture & Meridian, Shanghai, China. Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 2012, 32(2).

Gepost in Acupunctuur ~ Geen Reactie